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We’re a small press in Canada, eh? Obviously we love birds, but we also love dogs and tacos and kind people. And books! SO MANY BOOKS.
We read in all genres, but we want to publish shorter works in fantasy and science fiction: Novellas, short story collections, and anthologies.
But we do have a focus born of our antifascism. Since fascism these days is practically synonymous with white supremacy, and white supremacy has misogyny and a whole host of other hatreds at its core, it means our tastes run towards certain types of stories and away from others.
Please send your anti-monarchist, post-capitalist, decolonized stories. We love monsters and mythology, climate fiction, and … most things, really. We like lots of stuff.
But we’ll pass on military sci-fi, copaganda, and any stories that contain sexual assault, child abuse, or slavery.